Friday, December 21, 2007

God is a Walker

God loves to walk. And not just for exercise either! He walked with Adam and Eve "in the cool of the evening", Genesis 3:8. Just reading those words always makes me want to let out an audible "Ahhhhh....". Imagine walking with God, did they laugh? Did God explain things to them?? Or did they just enjoy each other's company? We'll never know for sure, but we do know this much, sin stopped those walks and hiding from God took the place of walking with God.
But God so loved us, so wanted to be with us, so wanted to walk with us that He sent His one and only Son that whosoever believed in Him might be able to walk with God forever. Jesus was born to take away the sin of the world and to reunite us with our Father, our Creator, the maker and lover of our souls.
Do you walk with God or do you hide from God? When was the last time you spoke to Him first thing in the morning asking Him what He'd like to do in you, through you and with you that day? When was the last time you sought His advice, enjoyed His company, thanked Him for who He is or just cried out in despair to Him?
I've had a dead line on a writing project. With the holidays and with some family issues this deadline has caused me a lot of stress! But while it has caused stress it has also brought me closer to my Lord. Knowing that I cannot accomplish this project in my own strength I have turned to Him in my heart and mind as I talk to Him in prayer constantly. I have not enjoyed the stress but I have enjoyed being closer to Him.
A couple of days ago the deadline was extended. "Yippee!!!", was my first reaction. Joy and enthusiasm were my first feelings yesterday when I awoke. "I have so many things that I can take care of today! I can even visit some family and friends now that I'm not chained to the computer", I thought. And I did have a great day!! But at the end of the day I realized that I'd not walked with my Lord as closely. The reason? I didn't need Him.
Matthew 1:23, "See, the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will name Him Immanuel, which is translated "God is with us". Christmas is the celebration of Jesus' birth, Immanuel. God is not content to be with us intermittently, He was to be with us 24 hours a day 7 days a week. He's crazy about us! He "dwells" in us through His Spirit and will never leave us or forsake us. Yet how often do I forsake and leave Him?
Oh, God thank You for the gift of Jesus. Thank You that I can walk with You, dwell with You and enjoy You. Keep my wandering heart knit to Yours.


ybedownonlife said...

I want to thank you for your insight on how us women think, I had listened to one of your series here online tonight as I am preparing myself for the heartbeat conference in Dallas Texas in March 08 that I plan to have made me realize that I certainly need to prioritize my thoughts for my day ahead of me..Im looking forward to hearing more from you here online as well as there....I do realize that I need to listen and have my heart tweeked thru Him..thanks again...Laura

Mike and Debbie said...

I've had the same thing happen to me these last few days. Got out of my routine and haven't had my "walks" in the morning. Don't know why I think I have to be at home -- or out taking a walk -- to have that time with God everyday.

ybedownonlife said...

May God etch in your hearts wonderful memories of christmas with your families....Laura