Sunday, January 27, 2008

Great Retreat in Palacios

Just returned from speaking at a retreat in Palacios Texas for First United Methodist Church of Lake Jackson, Texas. Seventy women gathered and we had a great time. God poured Himself out and answered my prayers for each woman to leave with life changing truth in her heart. This was the second retreat I've done for this group of women and it was like speaking to a room full of friends. Many women gathered this morning to share what God had done during our 3 days together and 2 women shared how God used the messages this weekend to save their marriages! I was humbled and stunned! Another woman said that she will leave knowing Jesus is in her heart, another said that she'd struggled with something for several months but that God worked in her heart this weekend to convict her, to free her and that she feels like a new person! Other comments were testimony to the fact that God was at work this weekend in big ways.
It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord uses us, His frail vessels, to bring glory to Himself and to accomplish His will in the world. No special talents are required, no degrees preferred, there are no physical requirements to be met, no age restrictions, no auditions will weed the unwanted out, no experience necessary, no past record of perfection required, failures are welcome, in fact, God seems to relish using the rejects of this world to display His glory and to "participate in the divine nature". All He asks is that we are willing, that we surrender and that we trust Him. I long for irrevocable, absolute surrender in my life. That is not my longing only for speaking but for loving, respecting and honoring my husband, loving and serving every area of my life I want His perfect will and for His Spirit to have full access to me. Oh that I would get out of the Lord's way and let Him have His way with me, in me and through me!!! Oh for more of You, Lord and less of me.


Mike and Debbie said...

What a GREAT report of how God worked in such amazing ways!

Love you!!


mindy said...

debbie, i was on your first retreat with FUMC but with the last was on maternity leave so couldn't make it.
my girlfriends & i still quote you & scripture from that weekend. you blessed my heart & so many others.
Thank you for sharing God's message. You are an uplifter, an encourager and a true woman of God!