Friday, September 24, 2010

Blessed with more pain

Where have I been? Recovering from yet another surgery! My last post was July 8th. and the following day, I went to the doctor to ask about a continuing pain in my shoulder. After an MRI, I found myself meeting with a surgeon just one week later on July 16th who told me I had a VERY large tear in my rotator cuff and would need surgery. He happened to have a cancelation on Monday the 19th and so just 11 days after my last post I was in surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff.

Not again!!!!!!!! Not now!!!!!!!!! This wasn't supposed to happen!!!!!!!!

But it did.

It has been rough....very rough. Painful, frustrating, discouraging; downright depressing! Getting older is certainly not for sissies. And boy do I feel old. Between the pain in my shoulder and the pain from daily workouts and PT, crying has been an almost daily thing.

Many fears came with those tears. Fear of getting older. Fear of more health issues. Fear of chronic pain. Fear of being dependant on others. Fear of losing control.

God seemed silent and fear ran rampant in my heart.

One day I cried out saying, "Lord, I am 58 years old, I've walked with you for 27 years, I should have something to stand on here. My faith should be strong, but it isn't. The truth is Lord, I have nothing right now. I honestly don't know how to handle these continuing health issues. I honestly don't know how to handle old age. I honestly don't know how to handle chronic pain. I am coming to You as a little child. I am coming to You empty. I am asking for You to show me how to walk through this place of misery. I am Yours. I surrender. Teach me to glorify You in this."

I quit trying to figure why this was happening and simply and humbly asked for His help, for His wisdom, for His peace. It was in acknowleding my lack that I experienced His abundance.

Empty is where filling takes place. Pain emptied me of the false notion that I was somehow self-sufficienct. Paul says it so well, "Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God..." (2 Cor. 3:5)

I know only one thing....apart from Christ I have nothing. How do I get through this? With Jesus. How do I face the future? With Jesus. How do I glorify God in this? With Jesus.

I will not find hope in a healed arm. I will not find hope in more friends. I will not find hope in better health. My hope is in Him, who made the heavens and the earth.

"....and the life I live now, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and delivered Hiself up for me." (Gal. 2:10)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hanging in there

Discouragments. Disappointments. Confusion. Frustration.

How do you handle them?

Going to the gym for me was a "God thing". Anyone with eyes can see I am not, nor have I ever been someone who worked out. But I felt called by God to work on my health. And I obeyed. More faithfully than at any other time in my life. To be honest, I could so see the new me. I could so hear me telling others how God had changed my life and my health. I could so feel the health benefits and longed for more.

And how'd that work for me?

For all of my faithful efforts I succeeded in displacing a certain body part which had to surgically be put back and from which I am still recovering. It also brought to light a 20 year old problem with my back that was finally diagnosed as degenerative disc disorder, which will require surgery in the next few years and which has been a source of a lot of pain and sleepless nights.

Frustrated? Mmmhmmm. Discouraged? For sure. Confused? You betcha! My goodness I did what I felt God led me to do and am actually worse off in a lot of respects.

So what will I do next? Quit came to mind...comes to mind...stays in my mind!

But God did not call me to quit. He called me to follow Him in faith. So by faith I will listen and obey. I will trust Him to complete me, knowing that my life in Him is far more than this physical body and that He desires to conform me to Christ, not just to a pair of size 10 jeans.

I ofen wonder, at age 58, and in less than great health, if I can still be used by God. I often wonder if, after all of my failures, He will still allow me to speak for Him, to minister to others, to write for Him. Frankly, as a human, I would say no, time to move on to younger, better equipped ones, more faithful ones than me.

But God.

I love that.....but God. My walk with Him is not about me. It is about Him and for the life of me, I will never understand why He chooses to use His weakest vessels to glorify Himself, but He does. So until He calls me home, I will obey. In sickness and in health, for better or worse, I will continue to believe God.

How do you handle discouragments, disappointments, confusion, and frustrations? Believing in God, in His Word, in His power.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Going Forwards, not Backwards

Several years ago a dear friend was traveling alone with her young son, from Colorado to Texas and planned to stop over one night for a visit with me. She called around 3:00 in the afternoon to say that she was about 3 hours away and couldn't wait to get to my house, as she was exhausted. I told her she'd arrive right in time for a great meal and we'd have a blast in no time at all.

She called about an hour and half later in tears! After talking to me, she'd turned the wrong way out of the gas station, and actually traveled back the way she'd just come! She was devastated. Exhaustion, hunger and disappointment was hitting her hard. Her mistake cost her dearly and she finally arrived at my house about 6 hours after her first phone call, not the 3 hours she'd originally anticipated.

I've been really struggling with my journey to become complete in Christ. Part of that journey right now, is centered on losing weight, but I cannot reiterate enough that this journey is SO much more about gaining more of Christ, than it is about losing weight. And the weight is coming off WAY too slow to suit me! I'm still hovering around the 20 pound mark. I've been at this for 4 months and frankly expected more weight loss by now. One good bit of news to report, however, is that I've lost over 4 inches in my rear end!! Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Hooray!

Just to lay out my heart to you, I was really wanting to quit my efforts, especially my work outs. Going to the gym was becoming increasingly more difficult. Especially since the workouts are exacerbating several physical issues I have which are causing me a lot of pain. Recenlty one morning, I was crying out to the Lord...... Lord, I am struggling! This is so hard. What happened to my enthusiasm, my resolve, my goals? What can I do to get back on board? How can I continue on without quitting? You've got to speak to me, Lord."

And He did.

That morning I read this in my quiet time, "But this is what I commanded them saying, 'Obey My voice, and I will be your God and you will be My people; and you will walk in all the way which I command you, that it might be well with you.' Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but walking in their own counsels and in the stubbornness of their own evil hearts and went backwards and not forwards." Jeremiah 7:23-24

Are you as tired of going backwards as I am? Just like my sweet friend who was devastated when she realized she'd gone the wrong way, I too have been devastated at having gone the wrong way in this weight battle, more times than I can count. Perhaps for you it is too much spending, or too much exercise, or too much alcohol, or too much anger, or too much control. What do you constantly struggle with, always going backwards, not forwards?

For me, I'm learning, although very slowly, that going forwards is a matter of listening to and obeying His voice. Simple as that.

This week, I was in a lot of pain and had not exercised in 10 days, due to an out of town trip. I woke up knowing God wanted me to swim. I argued, but then those words came back to me...."if you obey My will go well with you." I stopped arguing with God, got dressed and went swimming. Truth? It was hard, but it was worth it. Big gain of energy, but my biggest gain was peace, knowing I was going forward with my God, heading in the right direction.

I'm determined to keep going forward, not backward. I'm determined to hear His voice...and obey it. I'm determined to enjoy the "it will go well with you" part of His promise, because the truth is that my way, the backwards way, does NOT work well for me!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Are you broken?

My mother in law had the most beautiful antique chair. Finely chiseled wood revealed that some long dead artisan carefully crafted this chair for an intended purpose. He obviously loved that chair, and so do I.

There is just one of the arms is broken, literally hanging on to the body of the chair by a thread. But the break is not obvious if you carefully prop the arm up and it only becomes evident when someone tries to sit on it. It has actually become a "show chair" in our home, tucked away in the corner where it can be seen and admired, but not really used.

And so it was with me last week.

I found myself literally hanging on by a thread spiritually. The brokenness in me clearly revealed I was not properly connected to my Lord. Had I only been propped up, not realizing there was a break deep within? Somewhere in the fray of trying to help my Haitian friends, I moved from faith in Him, to faith in me.

Big mistake!

Working in my own strength I began to reason how I could or could not do things. Exercise? Gone, after all I needed sleep and couldn't afford to get up early. Eating right? Gone, throwing restraint completely out one full day. Stopping to seek God's direction on pressing matters at hand? Gone, there just wasn't time, I had to act NOW!

I had moved away from complete dependence on Him. I had moved away from my only "fully funded" place, where He supplies everything I need for life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3) I had moved away from faith, the only place where I can please Him. ( Hebrews 11:6)

I had stopped hearing the voice of the Shepherd, Who leads me into places of power and strength resulting in fruitfulness. And I had started hearing the voice of the thief who drives me into places of frenzied activity and weakness, resulting in barrenness. I had entered the place where apart from Him I can do nothing. (John 15:5)

God loved me and carefully created me to abide in Christ by faith in His Word and to serve my intended purpose. But if a part of me is broken, "not in my proper place", not connected to Christ, then I cannot serve His purpose and I become nothing more than a "show Christian", not at all useful to the Master.

I finally returned to the place of abiding in Him, by believing in Him. The place where I was meant to dwell, remain and to live. The place of fruitfulness where I prove I am His disciple and where I can glorify Him. (John 15:8) The place were all that is wrong in me is properly aligned with all that is right in Him. I returned to the place where I am properly connected to the body of Christ, once again useful to the Master, serving my intended purpose. Not just a decorative object, sitting in a corner, taking up space, like my antique chair. But a useful tool, a functional tool in His hands, connected to the Source of all power.

Are you broken? Are you disconnected? Are you hanging on by a thread spiritually? How do you stay connected to Him? Share your heart with me.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The earthquake, the prayers, the answers

I'd been really busy all day and had just arrived home. Sitting down at my computer I saw an email from our friend in Haiti....."we are alive, but it is a mess, pray for us."

What is he talking about, I wondered? Then my friend, Debbie Guinn, called to tell me there had been a major earthquake in Haiti.

The quake rocked their physical world, but it also rocked my internal world, my heart. Fear for my friends, fear for a nation and fear for a people I love began to grip my heart. The images on TV were overwhelming. And then emails from various friends began to pour in..... it was a miracle I got out.... I think my arm is broken, but at least I am alive...... We are too afraid to sleep inside, we will sleep on the street tonight...... We have 500 people sleeping in our backyard and another 1500 sleeping on our church grounds.

In the days following the quake, I began to cry out to God, "Oh God, if praying is all I can do, then pray I will, but I am begging You, I am pleading with you, please, oh God, please give me something to DO! Something tangible, something real that I can literally do!"

And He heard my prayers. Does that amaze you, like it does me? The all perfect One, Creator of Heaven and Earth, hears and answers.

Within a few days the daughters of our friends, who are attending high school in Austin, spent the weekend with us here in Dallas. We laughed, we cried, we prayed. God was good to them and to me.

And just 2 days later, I was invited to be part of a team who would work from Texas to help our dear friend help his fellow Haitians with supplies, with teams, with communication, with prayers, with love.

God indeed gave me "something to do"! And I humbly thank Him for this opportunity. Now if all of that isn't enough, there is more .....if you've been following this blog, then you know that I've been on a journey, not just to lose weight, but to become complete in Christ....becoming who He intended me to be in Christ, so that I can serve my destined purpose.

I've known that this journey was not so much about losing weight, as it was about gaining more of Christ. And as I have surrendered to Him in this matter one thing that He has clearly laid before me was to get up every day at 6:30 and go the gym. But it was HARD! Daily I would get up and obey and daily, for about a month, the scales were NOT my friend! But I kept at it...knowing, believing that God was training not just my body, but my heart, training me to serve Him.

And now it is so clear what He was doing! He was preparing me to be ready to start my day earlier than I've started it in a very, very long time, so that I could serve my God by serving Haitians.

That astounds me. It does. I so wanted more than a smaller body. I wanted a bigger heart for God. And as I have obeyed Him, one step at a time, He has changed me and shown me how "to serve my destined purpose".

Thank You, God, for preparing good works ahead of time that I may walk in them. (Eph. 2:10)
Thank You, God, for disciplining (training) me for my good, so that I may share in Your holiness.(Heb. 12:10)
Thank You, God, that discipline, though not joyful at the time, does produce the peaceful fruit of righteousness. (Heb. 12:11)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Replacing old lies with truth

This is an awesome blog, my friends. I hope it encourages you. I've copied Lysa Terkeurst's blog below, but I'd suggest going to her site and reading her other blogs. This is TRUTH we need!!

Replacing old lies with truth

Replacing old lies with truth
If you are visiting today from my Proverbs 31 Encouragement for Today Devotional- welcome! I'm glad you're here.

Yesterday, I was reading an article in Good Housekeeping magazine about weight loss. It was interesting that the writer of this secular article encouraged people to find a way to tie their weight loss journey very closely to their core beliefs and values. And if we do this, we'll have the greatest success.

I have definitely found this to be true.

I have tried to lose weight so many times. When my only goal was to get thinner, it was very easy to give into temptation and justify myself right into a chips and brownies oblivion.

Getting thin wears thin as a motivational factor. I even used my faith as an excuse. When getting thin was my only motivation, I felt good in saying, "You know, it's really kind-of vain to even care what my body looks like. I think it's more Christian to care about the inside not the outside."

And while on some levels this is true, I knew my issues went way beyond just how much I weighed. My weight was an outside indication of an internal struggle. On a spiritual level, I was becoming increasingly frustrated with my lack of control. I would say with my mouth- With God all things are possible! But, I would secretly think, All things except my issues with food.

I was addicted to sugar. I was turning to food more than I was turning to God. I walked around feeling completely defeated. And to some extent, I doubted God could help me with this. Yes, my issues were definately affecting even on a spiritual level.

Sweet sisters, God made us to consume food.

He did not make food to consume us. Like Deuteronomy 2:3 says, “You have circled this mountain long enough. Now turn north."

In order for me to get out of the ruts of defeat with this issue, I had to start filling in the old lies and go to scripts in my mind with truth. Like the article I mentioned above said, I had to tie my weight loss issues to something deeper than physical reasons.

As a Christ-follower, I knew I would need to make this a spiritual and mental makeover just as much as a physical one. Slowly, over time, I learned to consistently let truth be what I told myself instead of turning to the lies that kept me stuck.

Finally, I lost the weight. But even better, I freed my soul from the endless cycles of defeat that kept me from being able to follow God unhindered.

Here are some of these truths that helped set me on the path toward victory.

Old Lie: I need these Oreos. They will fill me up with a Chocolate high and taste so good.

New Truth: The thought that these Oreos will fill me is a lie. They will taste good for just the few minutes it will take to eat them. Then that hollow feeling of guilt will rush in as soon as the chocolate high dissipates. Am I wanting to eat right now because I need nourishment or because I’m feeling empty emotionally or spiritually? If I truly need a snack right now, I am capable of choosing something healthy.

Ephesians 3:17- 19, "And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

Old lie: I am such a failure with this healthy eating thing. Why sacrifice this instant gratification now when I know eventually I’ll just go back to my old habits anyhow.

New Truth: I am not a failure. I am a lavishly loved child of God. Part of my right as a child of God is to operate in a power beyond myself. The Holy Spirit is God’s gift to me so it is possible for me to use the self-control I’ve been given.

1 John 3:1, "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"

Old lie: God seems so far away and these fries are right around the corner at that drive-thru.

New Truth: These fries don’t love me. And the only thing lasting from them is the cholesterol and cellulite they’ll inevitably create which will just further compound my frustration. God’s love is here in this moment and in many more to come. His love is true and carries with it only positive residual effects.

Psalm 103:17, " But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him.
This is just a start of replacing the lies and justifications with the truths of God’s love."

These are just a start. If you'd like me to send you more Go-To scripts via e-mail, leave a comment below with your e-mail address and I'll send these to you this weekend.

To leave a comment, click on the words "Post a Comment" below and follow the prompts.

May today be the day we all stop circling the mountain of defeat and truly head north!

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Believer in Christ

I am a believer in Christ. Are you?

If you are what does that mean to you?

To me it means I believe I am a sinner worthy of death, but that while I was yet a sinner, Christ died for me and by faith I believe He saved me from the penalty of death for my sins and that I will live with Him forever in Heaven.

End of story?

For some of us yes...we trust Him for Eternity, but not for today, not for the pain, not for the need, not for the secret little habit, not for the soul crushing doubt, not for the death of the beloved, not for the hopelessness that consumes us like a cancer.

But it really isn't the end of the story.

If I am a believer in Christ, it means that not only can I trust Him with my Eternity, I can trust Him with my Now,
to guide children
to give wisdom about finances
to give me the strength to endure in this battle of the bulge...
no, let's call this what it is....the battle of sin in my sinful love affair with food....
literally I can trust Him for all that I need to live this Christian life.

"He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?" Romans 8:32

What do you need to believe Him for today? He sees. He hears. He provides. Ask and you will recieve, but ask with faith.

Are you a believer in Christ?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

For Him Alone

A New Year has arrived. It always excites me. Another year unfolds before me and is as yet untouched, unmarred, even like a fresh fallen snow with no tracks, but only the crystals glistening like diamonds in the sun, beckoning one forward into uncharted places.

The last few years, I've been praying a big prayer....for irrevocable, absolute surrender to my Lord. I long to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, so that He can do whatever He wants in me and through me for His glory and my good.

The first time I prayed that prayer, my heart started beating so fast, I thought I might hyperventilate! Fear seemed to be choking me. The enemy loves to paralyze us with thoughts that if we surrender to God and to His will that God will "hurt us" or devastate us. I'll tell you what will devastate you....NOT giving in to God's will and God's ways for your life!

The last 2 years God has taught me, through some very hard trials, the blessed gift of endurance. My faith has grown and I am better for the lessons learned in the heat of the furnaces of affliction. My goal is to let endurance have its perfect work in me (James 1:2-3) so that I may become perfect and complete....becoming who I was intended to be in Christ, so that I might serve my destined purpose. If you've read this blog, that phrase has been repeated often and it ignites a fire in my heart,like none other. And now it seems that God is working out the lessons of endurance in the physical arena.

For 8 weeks now, I've given myself over to His will and ways for eating and exercise. Yes, I've dieted in the past, only to lose and to gain it back, yet never losing the full 80 + pounds I needed to lose. The goal was weight loss and health.

Confession: The goal of looking better and being healthy only carried me so far. It just isn't that much of a motivator for me personally. I needed more. I needed to make this about a spiritual quest..and honestly did try, many times, to eat less in an effort to "deny myself, take up my cross and to follow Him", but that too seemed an uphill battle that I soon quit fighting and gave up on.

This year it seems to be different. And please hear me on this....I say "seems to" with hesitation, even trepidation! Who wants to proclaim something with confidence, only to fail later and regret having made such a boast?! But, the Lord has really pressed on my heart that by saying, "I'm trying or I'm doing my best or I hope"...that I am actually saying, "This may not work, I actually expect to fail and this is my way of making sure I have an excuse for quitting when the time comes." So this time, I find myself saying, "I am going to do this"...the words stick in my throat...but deep in my heart, I know God is doing this, not me, and that He cannot fail if I surrender to Him. Thus the reason for my goal this year..."absolute, irrevocable surrender to His will."

And here's what God is teaching me the past 8 weeks, I've lost 19 pounds. 19 pounds that I'm thrilled are gone!!! I thank Him for EVERY single joke! Yes, I'm working out faithfully, eating right and getting my self out of bed at 6:30 in the morning, when I'm used to sleeping in till 8 or 8:30! BUT, it is not me that is doing it, it is God and for that reason, He alone can be praised for those pounds. But I have at least 64 more to go...and it seems like a sheer cliff to climb at times!!!

Here's my latest battle: virtually not one ounce lost in the last 3 weeks, despite faithful workouts and eating right...seriously, no denial here, eating RIGHT!! That has been discouraging to me at times. But, here's what the Lord is teaching me right now....that I am not doing this for weight loss, I'm doing this to "become who I was intended to be in Christ and fulfill my destined purpose" and I am to do what He has laid before me whether I see benefits to me or not, whether I like it or not, whether it makes sense or not.

And something has/is changing in my hard heart....I am doing this for Him alone, by faith alone. And so without one bit of encouragement from the scale...I do this day after day, encouraged by His Spirit, by His word and for sheer love of Him. The Spirit is saying, "Well done", even though the scale is silent. And on I go, living out my goal...absolute, irrevocable surrender.