I'm waiting.....waiting for the birth of my first great granddaughter. Yes, you read correctly, great granddaughter. And lest you think I'm not old enough...I'm NOT!!!! But at 57, despite my own hopes and dreams for my precious 19 year old granddaughter, Sarah, I WILL be a great grandmother soon, as you can tell from this picture of Sarah and her husband, Todd, taken when they visited us in Colorado recently.
Do you want to know my first reaction when I heard the news last December? No!!! No!!!! Not a third generation of a teen aged mom in our family!!!! This was not my plan. This was not my dream. In fact, I'd often thought this would be my worst nightmare. But, God had other plans......
A dear friend called me the next morning, after I'd heard the news from Sarah, to give me hope from God's Word.
2 Chronicles 20:3 "And Jehoshaphat was afraid and turned his attention to seek the Lord..."
2 Chronicles 20:12 "For we are powerless before this great multitude....but our eyes are on Thee."
2 Chronicles 2:15 "..thus the Lord says to you, 'Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's."
2 Chronicles 2:20 "...put your trust in the Lord your God, and you will be established."
Since that moment, about 8months ago, my heart has indeed been established and my eyes have been set on my God. I realized that I am not here on this earth so that my plans and purposes for my children and grandchildren will be realized, but I am here to bring glory to my God and for His plans and purposes to be fully realized. I'm not here to live happily ever after, but to be holy. I'm not here to build my kingdom, but His. I'm not here to seek my way, but His. And I can do that as a wife, as mother, as a grandmother and yes, even as a way-too-young great grandmother!! And glorify Him I will! I fully intend to point them all to the Light, Jesus Christ, and to say, "Hey, guys, the Light is this way...follow me!!"
Any day now another generation will be born in to our family. Callie Faith's life will begin. Oh, Lord may she seek You with all of her heart and mind and soul and may she find You, because nothing else really matters. I am praying that she will be a woman after God's own heart, whose trust is in her God.
I just love how you have shared your heart here. What a joy it is to be on this journey with you...praying, laughing, crying, glorifying our Father together.
"Oh, Lord may she seek You with all of her heart and mind and soul and may she find You, because nothing else really matters. I am praying that she will be a woman after God's own heart, whose trust is in her God".
Indeed, nothing else really matters :)
Very powerful! Thanks for the Godly perspective! I'm looking forward to the weekend retreat in Divide!
Penni R.
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