Friday, December 4, 2009

God's Provisions

Today was cold here in Dallas,with snow predicted, although it didn't materialize. I woke up still suffering from my AWFUL cold and knew in my heart of hearts that I did NOT want to get out in this frigid weather and go swimming today. I did not want to fulfill my commitment to the Lord. It was ok, after all, I was sick, not to mention that I'd obeyed all week long, even in spite of being sick. That old familiar voice hissed in my ear, "Go ahead, stay home, you deserve to, after all, you're sick and you've been so good."

I was really battling!!! What do to? What to do? Go? Stay??

I bowed my head and spoke to the Lord, "Lord, for all of my life, my flesh and my feelings have dictated whether or not I would or would not do certain things. My only goal in all of this physical effort is to be complete, becoming who I was intended to be in Christ and to serve my destined purpose for You. I want You to control me, not my flesh. What do You want me to do today? Stay home? Go swimming? It's Your call and I am Your servant."

I still was not clear as to what to do, but I did know He would answer me. I called my friend, Jill to ask her if she was going swimming and to get her opinion about whether or not I should go. Honestly....I wanted someone to give me permission, even an order, to "STAY HOME GIRL!!" But, sweet Jill said she thought going would actually be good for me if we didn't over do it and then she said the magic words..."let me just pick you up, so you don't have to drive." Done! I'm in!!! I knew the Lord had spoken to my heart.

We went. We did good. I actually felt good and was SO proud of myself. But that was not all.

As we pulled up to my door, I began to thank Jill for taking me and going so far out of her way and she told me she was just being obedient. She explained that 2 months ago she was asked to participate in an activity that she'd been involved in for years and it would have been today. At the time she asked the Lord what He'd like for her to do and He said, "Jill, not this time." She admitted that she was confused about why she should say no, but she obeyed the Master. "Debbie", she said, as she looked at me, with her beautiful blue eyes, "Two months ago God knew that you'd need me to help you today and He made sure I was available."

I was awe struck. I couldn't help but think of the Israelites, to whom God provided daily manna from heaven, no less, to give them what they needed. God too had given me what I needed today, to do what He had laid before me AND He prepared for that provision 2 months ago.

Our God is good. Our God can be trusted. Our God is faithful. Our God is the great provider of all things ....even rides to the pool, so that a weak woman, who wanted to quit today, can fulfill what He has asked of her.

What do you need to trust God for today?

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