Thursday, December 17, 2009

Over here, over there........

My granddaughter, Ashley is 17 years old. Not that 17 is old, in fact, she is still my "baby girl". But nevertheless, the United States Marines believes she is not too young and in fact, they think she is the best of the best and she was sworn in to defend our country this week!!!

She is pumped. Actually, pumped does not even come close to describing her feelings right now. I've never seen her so very proud of herself, so determined, so sure this is the right thing for her. In fact, she said she believes this is God's call for her life. I believe that too and I know in my heart that He has called her to this. In fact, if I did not know that, I'm not sure I'd be OK right now.

Ever heard of the "Crucible"? Here are the details:

A Rite of Passage for all Marines
The Crucible is the 54-hour culmination to the transformation of recruit training. It is a physically and mentally challenging event that involves food and sleep deprivation and the completion of various obstacles for the potential Marine to negotiate.
Basic Facts
Recruits will travel 48 miles on foot during the event.
There are 29 problem-solving exercises during the Crucible.
It consists of 36 different stations.
The recruits will have three meals, ready-to-eat (MREs) during the 54 hours.
The recruits will be required to carry 45 pounds during the Crucible, in addition to 782 gear, uniform and M16 A2 service rifle weight.

Can anyone say, "I don't think so?" The Crucible? Are you kidding me? No, they aren't kidding and Ashley is up for it. Did I say I am so proud of her?

Here's how all of this is impacting me on a personal level.....I too am a soldier in the army of Christ. But isn't it easy to forget we are in the His service? Can you imagine Ashley telling her Ranking Officer that she wouldn't be "doing the Crucible", that she decided it was just too much? And yet, do we do that with Christ?

I'm now in my 5th. week of my new lifestyle changes and my great attitude is waining, to put it mildly. I'm tired frankly. Earlier this week, I didn't go swimming like I'd planned. I "decided" the workouts I'd already done were "enough" for the day.

Boy, did the Lord convict me!!! He seemed to quickly remind me that I'm in His service. He put this plan before me, in answer to my cries for help. I had no right to stop without asking His permission. I was very humbled. Quickly, I asked for His forgiveness and set my mind to once again put Him in charge of what I do and when I do it.

Ashley ships out to Basic Training January 25, 2010. She will graduate June 2 on Parris Island in South Carolina. Although she and I are certainly in different "training camps", we are both, nevertheless, in training and I know in my heart I must show up for her graduation June 2nd. and be able to look her in eyes knowing I endured through my training, even on the days I wanted to quit, just like I'm sure she'll do.

....and if we endure, it will have a perfect work in us...making us perfect and complete, lacking in NOTHING!!! Complete: To become who I am supposed to be in Christ, so that I can fulfill my destined purpose. Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! Amen!!!